King Moonracer Runner

I look forward to Salem, MA’s Festivus 5K to see what amazing costume creation reader Lee-Ann will create. Last year’s costume was ADORABLE. And this year, she didn’t disappoint.



And the details behind her work:

I made the mask by modifying and building upon a child’s foam lion mask, using various materials as fabric, paint, wire, brown feathers, and glues. The mane is from a cave man costume( wig/beard ). I made the crown out of craft foam, paint, acrylic jewels and a miniature feather boa. The wings were purchased (black angel wings) and painted metallic brown/gold to match the wig colors. The rest was easy…tan velour sweat suit, a purchase cheapo lion tail that I added a dark brown tuft to.  I covered my running sneakers with tan hospital socks turned inside out so the terry cloth side showed, and painted on some claws. I carried with me a misfit dolly, who had her own bib number, of course!

Leg Lamp Runner



A big thanks to Lee-Anne for the picture of her creative costume worn during Salem’s first Festivus 5K [best holiday race name EVER].